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EDI - Customer Business Guides  

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Customer EDI 855 -- Purchase Order Acknowledgement September 21, 20171.0 The Purchase Order Acknowledgement – EDI 855 Transaction Set (Version 003020) will be used to acknowledge customer’s orders at International once the vehicle passes International’s edits as a buildable vehicle. Order information will be sent at the job (vehicle) level. This will be the only complete set of job information sent for an order. Following transaction sets (865 and 870) pass updates only for those fields that do change.
Customer EDI 865 -- Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request September 21, 20171.0 The Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement – EDI 865 Transaction Set (Version 003020) will be used by International to acknowledge changes to customer’s orders after an EDI 855 transaction set has been sent. Order information will be sent at the job (vehicle) level. The 855 transaction set is the initial complete set of information for that vehicle while the 865 transaction set includes only the information that has changed.
Customer EDI 870 -- Order Status Report September 21, 20171.0 The Order Status – EDI 870 Transaction Set (Version 003020) will be used to identify changes to the status of an order at the job (vehicle) level. The main usage of this transaction set will be to send updates of key dates to customers showing the progress of their vehicles at International Truck and Engine Corporation and to aid in estimating when they should expect delivery of that vehicle at their location. Order Status information will also be provided when items such as the VIN and certain serial numbers change for each of their vehicles.

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